Cardinal | one thousand nine hundred [and] eighty-seven |
Ordinal | 1987th (one thousand nine hundred [and] eighty seventh) |
Factorization | Prime |
Divisors | 1 |
Roman numeral | MCMLXXXVII |
Binary | 11111000011 |
Hexadecimal | 7C3 |
1987 is the natural number following 1986 and preceding 1988.
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1987 is an odd number and the 300th prime number. It starts the sexy prime triplet (1987, 1993, 1999). Being of the form 4n + 3, it is a Gaussian prime. It is a lucky number and therefore also a lucky prime. 1987 is a prime factor of the 9th number in Sylvester's sequence, and is the 15th prime to divide any number in the sequence.
There are 1987 polyiamonds with 12 cells that tile the plane isohedrally.[1]